The Revolution Greens team are strong advocates of eliminating the need to purchase plastic bottled water. We also want to make sure the water we are consuming is safe, fresh and the best tasting drinking water we can find. A Revolutionary out there feels the same way and sent us the email below on PHSI Pure Water Technology. We checked it out and talked to some people about it and decided to share it with you.
"My future mother in law is in charge of the Green program @ The Raleigh Hotel in Miami Beach. The Raleigh Hotel uses this H2O cooler/filtration system that is on the website below! She also owns the H2O cooler at home. Pure Water Tech uses a 4 stage reverse osmosis system that cleans our tap water so well! They use an activated H2O oxygenation injection system to purify the H2O to the highest percentage that is available to consumers! They use a Bio-protection system that goes beyond simply going GREEN! Please inform your Revolution Greens readers about this H2O cooler/filtration system! It completely eliminates having to recycle bottles! I personally have tried the H2O from a home cooler system & you can really taste the difference! The closest H2O comparison sold on the market to this product is SmartWater! I would love your opinion on this website!"
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