Sunday, December 5, 2010

Groupon For Greenies

Groupon's pretty great for eco-bargain hunters like us-- in New York City, it has offered discounts on the likes of American Apparel, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, andGustOrganics (as pictured above.) Not all of the sales stem from sustainable sources, however. The random helicopter tour, sushi restaurant or Gap discount often lands in my inbox. Delete.
MindBodyGreen Deals on the other hand is one of those, "why-didn't-I-think-of-that?" Groupon business models--filling the niche for greenies looking to support and save pennies solely in the eco- health, spa and travel department.
The founder of all this is Jason Wachob, who is entirely cool (I chatted with him over cocoa as he shared his website's no-ads model). Only part of a three-member team, he does the homework, partnering up and creating deals with only responsible companies walking the green talk.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How to Sell Your Food Product

We always like getting the inside story on how to get a new healthy product on store shelves.  Follow the link below for a great article on what it takes to get it done.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Food Trucks Across the USA

A new trend is starting to take over the major cities in the USA.  The foods trucks are coming.  Food trucks of all types of menus are rolling through your town.  They are offering new ways to eat healthier food on the go. They also offer some great local creations. Check out the site below and see what is cruising around.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Flu Season Is Here. How To Improve Your White Blood Cell Count

Revolutionaries it is that dreaded time of year again.  Yes, it is flu season.  We have already seen many people across South Florida get hit with the Flu Bug. We know white blood cells are our bodies army. Their purpose is to battle against viruses and bacteria attacking our body.  We set out to find what we could do to give our white blood cell army a boost. Here is what we found.   

Monday, October 4, 2010

Do You Exercise? This study says probably not!

Only about 5% of American adults do some type of vigorous physical activity on any given day, according to the results of a new study.Researchers analyzed 2003-2008 data from nearly 80,000 participants, aged 20 and older, in the American Time Use Survey, a national telephone-based poll that asked people what they did in the preceding 24 hours.

Most respondents reported sedentary activities such as eating and drinking (95.6%) and watching television/movies (80.1%), or light activities such as washing, dressing and grooming (78.9%), and driving a car, truck or motorcycle (71.4%).  The most frequently reported moderate activities were food and drink preparation (25.7%) and lawn, garden and houseplant care (10.6%), lead investigator Catrine Tudor-Locke, director of the Walking Behavior Laboratory at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, and colleagues found.  Only 5% of respondents reported vigorous physical activities, including using cardiovascular exercise equipment (2.2%) and running (1.1%).

The survey findings are published online and in the October print issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
"On any given day, most U.S. adults reported performing predominantly sedentary and light activities. The greatest prevalence for reported moderate activities was food and drink preparation for both men (12.8%) and women (37.6%)," the authors wrote in the report.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Farms In Crisis

There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America -- a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat.

THE FUTURE OF FOOD offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade.

From the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada to the fields of Oaxaca, Mexico, this film gives a voice to farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been negatively impacted by this new technology. The health implications, government policies and push towards globalization are all part of the reason why many people are alarmed by the introduction of genetically altered crops into our food supply.

Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, THE FUTURE OF FOOD examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the world's food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fast Food Does Not Decay

This is amazing!  Check out the food below it has not changed.  Things that are made from organic material age and decay, especially when they stop being alive. A piece of home-baked bread, say, left on your kitchen counter, will get moldy relatively fast. Lord knows what some ground beef would smell like after a week. But the artist Sally Davies has been photographing one McDonald's hamburger and fries every day for 137 days. They look basically exactly the same.  Be careful next time you get that burger!
Here is Day 1:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Benefits of Laughter Yoga

We usually post about food that makes you healthier, but we need you to see this!  Laughter Yoga!  How could this not be good for you?  Check it out and feel better in minutes.  If the first video doesnt work the second one will.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Power of Peanut Butter

Good Day Revolutionaries!  We have been on a bit of a Peanut butter kick lately.  It tastes great and easy to use on almost anything.  Not many people think of peanut butter as a healthy food, owing to the high caloric content and the amount of fat that is found in commercial peanut butter products. However, there is a surprising amount of nutritional value found in the product, especially the organic brands on the market today. Here is some information regarding peanut nutrition and the several benefits of peanut butter.

Because of the fat content, there is the perception that peanut butter is not a viable option. The truth is that the fat in many brands are monounsaturated. This means it is gentler on the body and may in fact help with keeping bad cholesterol at bay. While it is still a good idea to enjoy peanut butter in moderation, there is no real reason to avoid it due to the amount of fat in the product.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Do You Have Ultra Endurance?

Good Day Revolutionaries!  We recently asked ourselves the question of how far could our bodies go.  In other words, what level of extreme endurance were we capable of?  Some of the Revolution Greens crew has taken a big interest in Triathlons and Marathons.  We started out by just wanting to stay in shape and get our competitive juices flowing.  At first it seemed difficult to run a mile, then we progressed to 3 miles, then to 6 and so on until some of us were completing 70.3 mile Triathlons.  Now the Iron Man is in the cross hairs for some.

So how far can we go?  We are not sure, but there are some people out there that have the endurance to achieve what seems to the average person as simply impossible.  Ultra Marathons like the Badwater, a 135 mile non stop run through Death Valley in the middle of the summer, is completed by almost 100 runners.  The Furnace Creek 508, a 508 mile ride through the Mojave Desert and Death Valley, also has hundreds of participants.  If they can do it why can t we?  How far have you gone?  If your interested in getting your body that far, Revolution Greens will sponsor you.  Let us know.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Benefits of Lychees

We recently got our hands on Lychees.  They were picked directly from the trees at Green Land Tropical Nursery in South Florida.  These fruits are delicious.  Not only do they taste great, but they are amazing for your bodies health.  Check out the benefits below!

 Nutritional Benefits of Eating Lychee 
  • Lychee helps in increasing the energy of the body.
  • It increases fluids in the body, which are required for good health.
  • It enhances the feeling of well being.
  • Lychee is extremely rich in Vitamin C and contains approximately 40 percent more vitamin C than orange.
  • It even has high levels of Beta carotene, greater than that found in carrots.
  • Lychee is considered diuretic and digestive.
  • It contains unsaturated fatty acids, which help in the absorption of beta carotene, and many other fat soluble vitamins.
  • It even helps to prevent blood clots, severe cell damage and reduces strokes, up to 50%, in heart attack patients.
  • It is a good source of carbohydrates and fiber, which are quite essential for the body.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Boston's Farmers Markets

We are back!  We have had a great few weeks.  We were just in Boston doing some exploring.  One thing we found amazing was the amount of farmers markets spread throughout the city.  We counted no less than four taking place on the same day.  The markets were packed with locals and tourists alike tasting food directly from the farms of New England.  Everyone was happy and it was a beautiful sight.  Summer time is the perfect time to venture out in your city and find the perfect farmers market.  Follow the link below to find the closest market in your area!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The 37 Ingredients In A Twinkie

Hello Revolutionaries. Check out this cool project we found with our friends at Good Magazine.  A popular rule of thumb among fans of healthy food is that the fewer ingredients there are in something, better it is for you. With a remarkable 37 or so ingredients, many of which are polysyllabic chemical compounds, Twinkies would seem to embody the antithesis of that rule.
The photographer Dwight Eschliman was never a health nut himself, but he was raised by one; his mom kept her kids away from meat, dairy, or any kind of processed food. When Eschilman went away to college, he loosened up a bit, allowing himself to indulge in all sorts of previously forbidden treats, but by the time he had kids of his own, he found a renewed appreciation for simple, healthy food—and a renewed skepticism of chemical-filled, preservative-laden snacks. He'd also developed a love of disassembling ojects and photographing their component parts.
"Thus, this project," he writes in his photography book 37 or so Ingredients. "It's the product of a kid that was raised to be suspicious of foods that weren't assembled in mom's kitchen, and bordering on obsessive compulsive."
What follows is a selection from Dwight Eschliman's 37 or so Ingredients. 

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Oil Spill Means No Shrimp For You

Looks like alot of people will be out of work on the Gulf Coast. What would Bubba Gump Shrimp do? Unbelievable how this could happen in our own backyard!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Benefits of Vita Coco Water

Today we had our first tasted of Vita Coco.  We are now big fans!  Here is a run down of all the benefits of drinking this great drink:

Coconut water has long been revered as a health drink. It is loaded with the five essential electrolytes that athletes need-- including sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous. If you drink prior to a race or athletic activity, you are not likely to suffer from hyponatremia or dehydration.
It's also naturally fat free. And one 11 oz serving has double the potassium of a banana and 15 times the amount of potassium that the top selling sports drink- about 700mg of potassium. The electrolytes help keep the body cool, boost poor circulation, replenish the fluids you lose during exercise. It is known to also aid in the detoxification process while boosting your immune system.
It is cholesterol free and can soothe an upset stomach and help promote weight loss. On a side note, it is also known as a great hangover cure due to the fact that it re-hydrates so well.  There are no added artificial sweeteners or added refined sugar of any kind.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fair Trade Certified Benefits

See why you should make the choice of supporting Fair Trade Certified Products. Not only will you be buying a superior product, but you will be helping the planet overall. Be good to one another!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Are Humans Herbivores??

Good Day Revolutionaries!  Today we found ourselves doubting if humans should be eating meat.  We got into a nice debate today about how humans should eat to benefit their bodies best.  Most of us on this planet are Omnivores(we eat both meat and veggies).  Some people are vegetarian and others have attempted to eat only meat, but that has not gone very well.  We were shown the article below and most of us were blown away when we found out some of the differences between carnivores and herbivores.  Especially the info on how much longer the human intestine is compared to the meat eaters of the wild. CLICK THE "READ MORE" BUTTON BELOW

Friday, April 23, 2010

Are You Eating Horse? You Might Be Soon

This does not look good!  In some parts of the world horse is considered a delicacy.  Here in the USA it is illegal to slaughter horses for use in food.  That looks like it might be changing.  On April 8, a subcommittee in the Tennessee House approved a horse slaughter bill 7-6. A week earlier, the Missouri House approved 91-61 bill HR1741. The bill hasn't yet been scheduled for the Senate calendar.  If some people have their way you might have to double check the fast food burger, it could be Mr. Ed in there.  Lets hope this does not hit the Senate Floor!

Thursday, April 22, 2010



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ride Your Bike and Create Electricity

Since the Revolution Greens Crew is getting more and more pumped about doing triathlons and maintaining great health, we couldnt help but post this story! Most triathletes find it hard to bike while traveling, but here's a hotel that will reward you for your training and being green!
The Crowne Plaza hotel in Denmark will pay guest with a $36 meal voucher for every 10 watt-hours of electricity they generate.
If you are wondering that's about 15 minutes of spinning on the stationary bike.
"Many of our visitors are business people who enjoy going to the gym. There might be the odd person who will cycle just to get a free meal, but I don't think people will exploit the initiative overall," hotel spokeswoman Frederikke Toemmergaard told the BBC News. 

Saturday, April 17, 2010


As we were shooting around the world wide web we stumbled upon a competition to develop Apps to make kids healthier.  The Apps for Healthy Kids competition is a part of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! campaign to end childhood obesity within a generation. Apps for Healthy Kids challenges software developers, game designers, students, and other innovators to develop fun and engaging software tools and games that drive children, especially “tweens” (ages 9-12) – directly or through their parents – to eat better and be more physically active.   This looks like a great way to earn $60,000.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


How high was the guy who created the Double Down for KFC.  We got our hands on one and check out the picture above.  Why would any one want to put that in their bodies.  We bet we could actually hear someone getting fatter while they eat it.  In all seriousness it looks like someone gave a kindergarten class a bunch of left overs and asked them to make something.  Sheesh!  You should have to be at least 18 with a valid I.D to purchase one.  Come on fast food we can do better than this! Why not make people healthier!

P.S. We did not eat this.  It looked gross!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Here We Go... The Start of Revolution Greens Real Food Bars

Good Day Revolutionaries!  Yesterday we had a tasty idea and we decided to see if it was possible.  We wanted to create our own Food Bar.  We wanted the bars to be all organic and use as may superfoods as possible.  We hopped in the test kitchen and started creating.  The ingredients we included were Acai, Blueberry, Goji, Almonds, Banana, Shredded Coconut, Organic Chocolate, Agave Syrup, Soy Milk and some other basic cooking ingredients.  Well it worked.  We are happy with the first batch, but we think we can do better.  What ingredients do you want in yours.  Let us know an we will send you some!!  Keep any eye out for these in the future.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Top Foods For Triathlon Training

Part of the Revolution Greens Nation is getting ready for the Nautica South Beach Triathlon.  It got us looking for the best food to feed our triathlete in training bodies.  Our friends at gave us an easy to read description of what our bodies will need up to and after the event.  Check out the event here...

If you only follow 10 rules of diet for maximum health and performance, follow these 10.

Imagine you have an identical twin, also a triathlete, with whom you train every day. The only difference between the two of you is that your diet and sports nutrition habits are careless, whereas your twin’s diet and sports nutrition habits are based on sound principles and the latest knowledge. Who will have better results? 

Science tells us: Your twin will perform better in workouts, recover faster from workouts, gain fitness faster, develop a leaner body composition, be able to handle a heavier training load, get sick less often, suffer fewer injuries, and not least of all, kick your butt in races! And if you don’t wise up and start eating and drinking as your twin does, he or she will continue training and racing strong long after age slows you down, and will even outlive you. That’s how important it is to learn how to fuel your body properly.

So, how do you feel your body properly? It can all be boiled down to the following 10 tips.

Friday, March 26, 2010



Thursday, March 25, 2010

Juice Revolution- Peter Rabbit Organics

We were walking into a neighborhood coffee shop today when we noticed a very cool looking juice product.  It was a Mango, Banana, and Orange Juice pouch.  The name caught our attention right away...Peter Rabbit Organic Juice.  We automatically remembered our Kindergarten teachers reading us the children's book with Peter as the main character.  It made us want to try it right away.  We picked it up and boom a great healthy taste.  It wasn't packed with sugar.  It was real fruit juice.  Peter Rabbit Organics is a company out of the UK making its initia push into the US market. The juices are made using fresh, organic fruit with no added sugar, salt or artificial ingredients. They contain a full serving of fruit and are ideal for babies ready for solid food, as well as toddlers and elementary-aged kids. Kids will enjoy it straight from the pouch. Plus, choke-free caps make them safe for the little ones. The 3.5 oz. pouches will be available at select Whole Foods Markets and independent natural food stores in a number of regions across the country beginning this spring for $1.79 each. All three of their flavors will also be available on  If you have a family or just want a great tasting pick me up that reminds you of easier times try some Peter Rabbit Organics.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Amy's Organic Pizza

What's shaking Revolutionaries?  We have been on the move for the past couple days and we have been eating pizza the last two nights for dinner.  Yes Pizza!  We know its not known as the most healthy food out there, but this one is great and convenient! Amy's Organic Pizza is delicious.   Amy’s has created over 88 frozen meals, including pizzas, pocket sandwiches, pot pies, entrées, snacks and whole meals. In 1999, they introduced a grocery line that now includes canned soups, beans and chili as well as jarred pasta sauces and salsas. Their foods are carried by all natural food stores, supermarkets and some club stores in the United States, Canada and abroad.

Although frozen foods are not known as the best for you, we definitely put our stamp of approval on this company! Best of all it is Family Owned!  Check out the family below

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Organic and Healthy in New York City

We are back in Miami after a great trip to the Big Apple, New York City.  One of the great things about the city is that it seems like you can find anything you could imagine to eat.  Including great healthy places to eat.    It seemed to us that every couple of blocks there was another great place to eat!  On top of that beautiful outdoor markets and organic farmers line some of the squares in the heart of the city.  Hopefully more cities take note and we can all dive in!!  If your visiting NYC anytime soon here is a list of places to check out!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods

Check out the list that TIME Magazine just put out.  Some very interesting food items on the list.  Some are very common, others exotic.  Click on each food item for more information.  Check it out and keep safe!

Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods

The American Academy of Pediatrics released a policy statement on Feb. 22, 2010, recommending the labeling and possible redesign of hot dogs to prevent dozens of choking deaths among children every year. Here's a look at 10 risky foods

Monday, February 15, 2010

Jamie Oliver Speaks On Fighting Obesity

Jamie Oliver is transforming the way we feed ourselves, and our children. Jamie Oliver has been drawn to the kitchen since he was a child working in his father's pub-restaurant. He showed not only a precocious culinary talent but also a passion for creating (and talking about) fresh, honest, delicious food. In the past decade, the shaggy-haired "Naked Chef" of late-'90s BBC2 has built a worldwide media conglomerate of TV shows, books, cookware and magazines, all based on a formula of simple, unpretentious food that invites everyone to get busy in the kitchen. And as much as his cooking is generous, so is his business model -- his Fifteen Foundation, for instance, trains young chefs from challenged backgrounds to run four of his restaurants.

Now, Oliver is using his fame and charm to bring attention to the changes that Brits and Americans need to make in their lifestyles and diet. Campaigns such as Jamie's School Dinner, Ministry of Food and Food Revolution USA combine Olivers culinary tools, cookbooks and television, with serious activism and community organizing -- to create change on both the individual and governmental level.

Join Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sustainable Plateware

A Spoonful of Sustainability

To-Go Ware_ Welcome

How you can take a bite out of your carbon footprint.

Eating outside of your home generally requires three things: food, food containers, and food utensils. For the majority of Americans, oil is involved in all three of these components. Food, especially processed food, requires tremendous amounts of oil to grow, process, and transport it. The plastic food containers we use are made from oil. Likewise, the great majority of our disposable forks, spoons, and knives are made from petroleum-based plastics.

The plastic forks and spoons we eat with are not recyclable, so what happens to all of these discarded utensils? They end up in our landfills, beaches, and oceans. Americans toss out enough plastic spoons, knives, and forks each year to circle the equator 300 times. Wanton wastefulness doesn’t stop with our flatware of course. According to the EPA, the United States produces approximately 220 million tons of garbage each year, the equivalent of burying more than 82,000 football fields six feet deep in compacted garbage. The National Recycling Coalition reports that, on average, every American throws away more than seven pounds of garbage a day.

With increased awareness of global warming, more and more people are realizing that long-term consequences can outweigh temporary convenience. After all, the average plastic fork is only used for three minutes before it’s thrown away. Three minutes of usefulness leads to 10,000 years in a landfill or a swirling eternity in an ocean gyre.

The situation is far from palatable, which is why Stephanie Bernstein founded To-Go Ware. Her  Berkeley-based company makes bamboo utensil sets and stainless steel food tins to help reduce our reliance on oil and to cut down the amount of garbage we produce everyday. By eating your lunch out of a tiffin—a stackable metal tin that resembles achromed vertical farm—you eliminate oil-based plastic containers along with the BPAs and phthalate toxins that can leach out of these soft plastics and into our food.

To-Go Ware chose to craft its utensils from bamboo because bamboo is a sustainable grass that “can grow from one to three feet in a single day. It is incredibly hardy and does not require fertilizers and pesticides to thrive. Unlike wood, it is nonporous and naturally antibacterial because of the seal of its cellular structure.”

To-Go Ware doesn’t just stop plastic utensils from going into landfills; it also recycles and repurposes discarded water bottles. With RPET, (Recycled PolyEThylene) the company uses a system that saves a plastic bottle from a landfill or incinerator and turns it into a durable carrying case for its bamboo utensils.

But what about those new compostable disposables? Why not just use all of those cups, containers and utensils that are made out of potato and cornstarch rather than plastic? Bernstein is skeptical about their positive impact. She concedes that they are indeed compostable, but only if the disposed utensils are returned to a commercial-grade composting center where they can be heated to at least 150 degrees. Bernstein is also leery about the companies like Monsanto who are championing these types of solutions.

“In terms of a life cycle analysis think of all of the resources it takes to create a cornstarch fork. You have to grow this food, with all the petroleum and carbon and water involved in the fertilizers, in the transportation, think of all the carbon built into the production of a single-use disposable. At the end of the day we are still spending tremendous energy and resources on things that are designed to be thrown away. Look at the companies behind these disposable goods, these are companies like Cargill and Monsanto that are simply finding new markets for their products, and doing so with genetically modified corn. Think about how much Round Up Ready was used to make your forks. Think about all of the energy it took to prepare that field for something you are going to use only once for a few seconds and then throw away.”

Bernstein thinks the biggest problem with our disposable lifestyle is a lack of awareness. “Look at your average Whole Foods customer, here are all of these people who put solar panels on their roof, they are composting their food, they are already living a green lifestyle, and then they hit the salad bar and toss out their fork everyday.  It’s one of those things that just seems permissible. It seems so small that the impact appears negligible.”

To-Go Ware hopes that, if given the option, you will choose to divert waste from a landfill, to use recycled and sustainable materials over virgin materials.

“Americans need to lose their sense of attachment and entitlement to disposables. It’s a microcosm of our larger problems, when you have a culture that’s designed to be disposable you have a society that doesn’t put much value in anything, that doesn’t consider the impacts of its actions.”

We eat three times a day; by being conscious of how much garbage we create through a decision as simple as what fork we use, we become aware of our actions and empowered to make different decisions. You already have your reusable shopping bag; you have your reusable mug, maybe it’s time to put another arrow in your eco-quiver. Reusable utensils are small, light, and compact enough for easy carrying, but sharp enough to ravage lettuce and make a mockery of avocado flesh. Perhaps next time somebody asks you if you want it "to go", you'll take a moment and consider where exactly all of that packaging and plastic really does go long after you are done with it.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Revolution Greens Runs The ING Miami Half Marathon

Yes sir!  We did it.   We trained and completed the ING Half Marathon.  It was a tremendous experience and we definitely have the itch to do more of them.  It is now officially race season.  If you are interested in running and its your first time check out the training program below.  Also take a look at the beautiful course in a video from the ING MIAMI site.

Training Program..Click Here

Monday, January 25, 2010

If You Eat Bad Food You Will Feel Bad

Good Day Revolutionaries!  We found a great article that is simple and to the point.  If you eat bad food your body will react badly.


In the ever-growing list of reasons to avoid processed food—a list that includes obesity, ADHD, heart disease, diabetes, and so on—you can now add depression. In a new study of women aged 20–93, those with mood disorders including depression and anxiety were significantly more likely to eat diets full of high-fat, highly processed crap.

So bad food makes us feel bad—this is not such a stretch for the more holistically minded among us. Of course studies that silo information aren't always the best way to get a full picture of a problem. Does the food make us feel bad? Or do we eat bad food because we already feel bad? Or are we eating bad food because we can only afford bad food, and that makes us feel bad? Then there's the fact that mood disorders are often the result of self-reported feelings and experiences, and how a person assesses their own mental health and happiness is greatly influenced by cultural norms and countless other factors.

And yet, I'm sure there's something to this (and other studies have shown as much).

What's your take?