Sunday, November 8, 2009

How Far Can Your Body Go?

Two of the "OR's" a.k.a. Original Revolutionaries of the Revolution Greens family pushed their bodies to the limit today.  The healthiest couple we know, Greg and Stacy Mondshein, took Miami by storm by swimming, biking and running through South Florida in the Miami Man Half Iron Triathlon.  Greg completed the Half Iron Man and Stacey completed the International distance.  Combined they almost hit 9 hours of intense workout.  Simply Incredible!  These two are an inspiration to the rest of the Revolution Greens crew. Here are their stats

-Greg's Miami Man Half Iron Official Time - 5:46:44, 1.2m swim in 38 min, 56m bike in 2hr:53min and 13.1m run in 2hr:11min. 

-Stacy's International Miami Man Official Time - 3:09:49,  .6m swim in 24 min, 24.5m bike in 2hr:27min, 6.6m run in 1hr:10min. 

Want more info on training?  Hit us up at


  1. A really notable record ! Keep it up Greg and Stacy.

  2. Thanks! We'll try! Next mountain is the ING Miami Marathon in January! We'll keep you all posted!
