Monday, June 29, 2009

Find Out How Toxic Your Food Is

As we get more and more Revolutionaries joining us, we have found people REALLY want to know what they are eating. Here is a website that we have been using here at the Revolution Greens headquarters and it is quite shocking. What’s On My Food is a brand new searchable database launched by the Pesticide Action Network. This incredible site will give you the inside scoop on exactly what chemicals are on the food you eat. With just a click of the mouse, you can view the toxicology risk and known pesticide residues on everything from almonds to oats to winter squash .

This site is broken down in to four categories. It details each pesticide’s risk to human health by placing each chemical in one of the following toxicological categories:

Hormone Disrupters
Developmental/Reproductive Toxins

The first item we looked up was applesauce and we were shocked to see it contained 28 different types of pesticides. That little extra cash for organic doesnt look too bad now. Check out the website below

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